Aircraft Loan Calculator

Want to find out if you can make owning an airplane more than just a dream?

Fill out Dorr Aviation’s aircraft loan calculator below to help you determine what your monthly payment on your aircraft loan would be. Remember though, it’s just for estimating purposes.

To get a more specific quote based on your needs, call Dorr Aviation at 800-214-0066 or fill out our online aircraft financing rate quote.

Beechcraft King air
Aircraft Loan Amount ($)
Annual Interest Rate %
Number of Years

“Since this was my first plane purchase, I had no idea how the process worked or who to call. A friend recommended Dorr and it was the one and only phone call I really had to make. The staff at Dorr walked me through step-by-step and made buying a pleasant and simple experience. Highly recommend that anyone considering a plane call Dorr first.”
Kyle M. | Grumman Tiger owner

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Buying your first plane? Upgrading to a faster, sleeker machine? Looking to refinance your current loan for a better rate? Are you in need of an engine overhaul or some new avionics?

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